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The following video producers are organized in the order in which I became introduced to their work. The ideas and opinions expressed within the following videos do not necessarily reflect my ideas and opinions.
It all started for me when I first heard this interview done by Basil and Gonz of Canary Cry Radio...
Canary Cry Videos
After that interview, Gonz did this follow up, expressing some of the same thoughts I had after hearing the above interview...
After listening to the above radio show a few times, I became obsessed with the subject - even more so after watching all of Mark Sargent's Flat Earth Clues videos...
Then, on April 15, 2015, I interviewed Mark Sargent myself:
Thus my quest for truth began...
Although I started out with Mark Sargent's info, I also began to pay attention to others, like Eric Dubay and Mathew Boylan. Here are a few interesting Eric Dubay interviews...
The more I looked into the subject, the more I began to realize that the modern Flat Earth "movement" (at least as it exists on social media) seems to have begun with Mathew Boylan, who was a photo-realistic painter that used to work for NASA. His testimony is rather interesting. Please consider what he has to say about NASA foolery and his own role in bringing fake imagery to us...
(Caution: these clips contain some foul language):
Consider also how Stanely Kubrick got us to believe in space travel and orbiting around our earth back in 1968, before we allegedly put a man on the moon:
The above videos prove that you simply cannot trust what NASA, the government and pentagon are telling and showing you. It's too easy to fake. Especially nowadays!
Sadly, it appears this new Flat Earth "movement" is now fracturing due to in-fighting. As I said, from what I can tell (and what do I know?), Mathew Boylan may have been one of the first to publicly speak out on all of this stuff, based on his experiences with NASA. If interested in knowing more CLICK HERE to hear Math as he vents his frustration with people like Eric Dubay and Mark Sargent in a recent (June 29, 2015) video. Of course, none of that surprises me. We have the same nonsense in any "truth" movement, especially where egos are involved. At first, I thought I really wanted to have these guys on my radio show, but at this point I'm content to continue this quest on my own. There's more than enough to look into - as I am trying to show in my Gearing Up For Apollo? series. Still, if you can get past all the personalities and egos, there are a lot of interesting nuggets that you can find in some of these videos.
(NOTE: These videos may contain some fowl language)
People Doing Curvature Tests
This is the math (which has been confirmed by many different independent "globalists" mathematicians) for the laser and other tests people are doing to either confirm or deny the alleged curvature of the earth:
The following video is already posted above in the Jeranism section, but here it is again for the context to go along with the Bret Bernhoft YouTube analysis.
Sort of a side note: Considering the Flat Earth concept of the earth being "in the water and out of the water" inside a dome, this "star in a jar" concept is rather intriguing:
NOTE: If you have other videos that you think would be appropriate for this page,
please post links in the comments section below.
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